Predicting the likelihood of divorce

Before getting married, most New York spouses believe that their relationships will last a lifetime. Despite such optimistic outlooks, many marriages will eventually end in divorce. Researchers have found a number of factors that can help predict whether couples might end up divorcing in the future.

Getting married in the teens is associated with a higher divorce rate, according to a researcher at the University of Utah. People who are highly affection when they are newlyweds are also more likely to later separate. Those who show contempt for their spouses have a higher chance of divorcing as well.

Harvard researchers have found that couples in which the husbands work less than the wives are also more likely to get divorced. Husbands who are employed full time have a lower risk of separating from their spouses.

Many factors may contribute to the possibility of divorce. When people decide that they want to end their marriages, they might want to consult with divorce lawyers. The attorneys may help their clients to identify all of the potential legal issues that they will need to resolve in order to end their marriages. They may help by drafting and filing the petitions to commence the divorce actions. The lawyers could also advise their clients about various tax issues. In some cases, it may be possible for the attorneys to negotiate with their clients’ estranged spouses in order to reach agreements that settle all of the issues. When the circumstances make negotiations impossible, the lawyers may help their clients to gather evidence in order to present a case in court.

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